Postcard For Reader

"Seven Snowflakes" with Elizabeth Scott

Elizabeth Scott is the author of many different novels, from love stories like the upcoming Something, Maybe to the fantastically written darker novel Living Dead Girl. Her blog is one of the most fun things to read, and she's decided to grace us with her presence!

You're notorious among the book lovers for giving away books on your blog. Where do you get the ideas for what books to give away - and why?

I give away books because books are awesome, and if the Internet had been around when I was a teenager (yes, I lived without the Internet! no, I don't remember how I did it!) I would have LOVED the chance to win free books. I think it's *so* important to read, and with so many great books out there--well, why not do something to get them to people who want to read them?

You rock, Elizabeth! Dark, milk, or white chocolate?

I'll have to pass on all three--I'm allergic to chocolate. However, as someone who is married to a die-hard chocolate fiend, I should note that white chocolate is actually mostly cocoa butter (the fat from cocoa).

I am so, so sorry Elizabeth. You don't know what you're missing. :P What inspired you to write something as heavy (and amazing) as Living Dead Girl?

A dream. I dreamed about Alice every night for several nights--the same dream every night--and once that happened, I knew I had to tell her story.

Just like Stephenie Meyer did with Twilight! ^^ Out of all the novels you've written, what would you say was your favorite to write?

I actually had a lot of fun writing Something, Maybe, which will be out in March. (What can I say? I *love* love stories!)

Are you addicted to any online sites? I'm addicted to Witches of Oz, and my mom's addicted to Facebook... how about you?


Yes, I am a celebrity gossip fiend. Which I know people find low-brow, but what can you expect? I watch TV too :-)

I always catch my mom on TMZ and Perez. She denies it... OMIOZ! IT'S RAINING SKITTLES! What do you do?

Be thankful it's not raining nails. Or anvils.

I'd get an umbrella and hold it upside down... Can we get some tidbits on your upcoming novels?


Something, Maybe, which will be out at the end of March, is about a girl who has parents who are desperate for attention--and who, after years of watching them try to stay in the spotlight, wants nothing more than to fade into the background. The problem is, there's a guy at her part-time job who she's sure is her soul mate--she just has to get him to notice her! That, and figure out a way to deal with her other coworker, who drives her crazy...but may be the one person she needs most in her life.

Love You Hate You Miss You will be out in June, and it's about friendship, loss, facing your fears–and yourself.

Thanks for stopping by, Elizabeth!

Merry Christmas to everybody, and Happy Holidays!
