Postcard For Reader

Team Puck For The Win (Version 3)

You have ONE LAST DAY to enter the Team Puck v. Team Ash Iron King contest!

And speaking of Puck and Ash...

My friend Liz/Lyndsay (who you see mentioned in the vlog - aka The Spork Master) and I have been roleplaying an Eragon based roleplay for... three years now? A long time. Anyway, for the plot we have, I had introduced a new temporary character.

Well, I introduced a slightly edited Puck.

So she decided to introduce a love character for said Puck, and the name she chose was... was... Ash.

She's never read The Iron King and I had never brought it up to her.

I was crying I was laughing so hard.

Oh, my life.

Don't forget to scurry on over HERE and enter!