Postcard For Reader

Introducing Liz

I have a LOT of friends who like to read. And I have a lot of friends who borrow my books, particularly ones I haven't gotten around to reading... in a very long time.

Liz is one of those friends. Not only is she a super talented photographer, she's a fantastic writer (I should know; she constantly out-writes me in our roleplays) and she absolutely loves to read. I trust her judgment on books as much as she trusts mine.

So I was sitting here one day, after sending her a package of books to read - she lives in California, see - and then an idea sprung. And she liked it, and I liked it, and I'm hoping YOU will all like it.

See, Liz is my brand new GUEST REVIEWER. Once a month or so, she'll pop in and wave around a book, say a few interesting things, and depart in a puff of smoke. She's already sent me the first review to set up, which I'll be setting up shortly.

But why am I still talking? Here is LIZ. Introducing herself.

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Hi, I'm Liz! I'm not very good at these intro thing-ys, but here's nothing!

I live in the sunny state of California. I'm an amateur photographer, who happens to be a big book nerd. I read YA fantasy, paranormal, mysteries, and sci-fi. Aside from books, I collect swords, love dragons, elves, medieval times, and the Victorian era. I drink tea daily, and I love Italian food. I'm known among my friends, and soon around the world, as the Spork Master.

But I always seems to have just one problem that I can figure out; why is a raven like a writing desk?

I HATE doing those things. -shudders- So I basically went to my old bios, condensed them, and rewrote it...
