Postcard For Reader


I do not watch YouTube often. However, I make an exception every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for THESE lovely people.

THEY are Hank and John Green. You, my lovely readers, may recognize the second name as being attached to the following books:

But even if you haven't read any of those (I haven't, though all three are in my room, waiting to be read) you should watch their videos. They're funny and entertaining and informational and just generally awesome. And they've got a huge fanbase of Nerdfighters (hello, Nerdfighteria) that is also awesome. And involved with a lot of charity work, which is also awesome.

They're just generally awesome.

So watch the video below - it's John answering questions from fans and it makes me giggle - and decide for yourself. I HIGHLY recommend watching them. You learn new things and have fun and it's awesome.

Please pardon my abuse of the word 'awesome' in this post.