Postcard For Reader

BookExpo America 2013 (+ event list)

Who here is heading to BookExpo America this year?

For the non-bloggers who follow me, BookExpo America is a yearly convention in New York City where publishers showcase their biggest titles for the upcoming year. It's a three-day professional fest of book love, and I've had the honor of going for the past for years.

For those of you who will be there, hunt me down! Thanks to my shiny new phone, I can respond to Tweets rather quickly - just let me know where you are and I'll meet you! (For the first few people who snag me, I have a very limited number of It's okay to read YA! stickers, so snag them while you can!)

I'll be doing a recap post when I come back on Sunday!

Going to BEA? Check out my compiled list of YA events!
And add if you know of one that I missed - it's editable!