Postcard For Reader

A brief update, where you can find me, and what to look forward to.

Hello WORDites!

As you may have noticed, June's been a little slow for WORD. Summer sluggishness set in and I just couldn't muster up ability to bang out the blog posts on my poor broken computer. (With the exception of my dream book blogger convention, which I spent way too much time working on.)

But that doesn't mean I haven't been busy.

WORD's new YA-exclusive Tumblr, Fuck Yeah! Young Adult Lit, is nearing in on 1000 followers. If you're not following it, go dance on over and hit the button! I'll be looking to bring in a few more co-bloggers to queue posts and post YA news, so if you're interested, let me know.

Over on my personal Tumblr, I wrote a religious meta on Leigh Bardugo's Shadow and Bone. You can read it here, though I should warn you that it has major spoilers for Siege and Storm. I'm also running a series called Game of Books over on my personal Tumblr, where I pair up Game of Thrones fans with potential books they may like. Feel free to submit suggestions to that as well!

Reader's Report has passed it's tenth edition, and I'm still looking for people to help contribute in link-roundups! You can read the past editions right here, as well as subscribing to read the upcoming editions.

I've also been working on various personal projects that none of y'all have any interest in, but it's eaten up a good chunk of my time.

And while I've been doing that, I've had more ideas coming to my head for blog posts here!
So posts you'll be seeing in the next few months on this blog include:
- new adult & adult content v. sex
- LGBTQ (and demisexual and asexual) representation in YA lit
- definitions of role models
- consent in sex scenes
- minorities in YA

If you guys have any posts about any of those topics, feel free to link to them in the comments so I can take a peek about your arguments and observations! And suggest anything else you would like to see as well.

What have you guys been up to?