Postcard For Reader

Absolutely Maybe

Absolutely Maybe
Author: Lisa Yee
Series: ---
Publisher: Scholastic
How Received: ARC

In Absolutely, Maybe Maybe - aka Maybelline Mary Katherine Mary Ann Chesnut, named after her mother's favorite brand of mascara and various Miss Americas - is stuck in a life she despises. Her mother hates her, the preppy students that go to her mother's charm school annoy her, and her father doesn't know she exists. Oh, and her mother's new dirty boyfriend is hitting on her.

Going to California to find her father with friends Ted and Hollywood sounds like the perfect plan...
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I was going to compare this to Something, Maybe simply because of the similarities in the names, but the more I read, the more alike they were. As they were published around the same time, I can't even say that Lisa tried to rip Elizabeth's plotline off, or visa versa..

Though an interesting story, it wasn't one of those that I would buy in a store (with the exception of the cool lookin' girl on the cover) or that I would keep, had it not been an ARC when I got it.

The similarities between it and Something, Maybe were astounding, though. They're titles are similar. Both have to do with taking a road trip involving something with fathers. Both Maybe and Hannah have two males in their life, at least one of which they are romantically interested in. Both have fathers they end up despising. Both have mothers that seem to hate them at first but it ends up just being their unique brand of love later.

Overall Rating: 8/10. Enjoyable, but not anything spectacular.
Absolutely, Maybe or Something, Maybe?: I don't really have a preference between the two books. ^^ They're both enjoyable; you just have to pick your preference in mothers/friends.

Absolutely, Maybe comes out in February.

Happy reading!
