Postcard For Reader

HMS Challenger

Disclaimer: Post best read in a British accent.

Way back when, the ocean had yet to be explored. We knew nothing about it. Then, the HMS Challenger was sent out - its challenge? To scope the ocean and learn it's secrets.

With that in mind, readers, I challenge you to read (or reread) ten books between now and September 19th of 2010. But not just any ten books. These books must involve water - be it about pirates, mermaids, or the coast of California, fiction or nonfiction.

The question is - can you handle it?

Some of my suggestions?

Bloody Jack by L.A. Meyer
Piratica by Tanith Lee
Dolphins of Pern by Anne McCaffrey
Crystal Door: Island Realms by Rebecca Moesta and Kevin J. Anderson

I'll have this up on my sidebar soon with all ten of my choices! So knock yourselves out; can't wait to see what happens!

PS: First challenge ever.

~ Nicole