Postcard For Reader

My Luggage

To alert you all, I did survive my last first day of high school. My classes are fun - my Economics teacher reminds me a bit of Julie Andrews - and I'm looking forward to the projects in my English class.

So what am I lugging around all day (besides the obvious pens, pencils, and notebooks)?

My writing notebook. Mine is much cooler than the one pictured here - it's fake black snakeskin with an awesome buckle and really cool black and white print inside.

The book Dewey. I'm currently reading it, so this book will constantly change. It gives me something to do during the one-or-two periods I have free (depending on the day). If I'm not blogging or doing homework or college stuff, of course.

Post It Notes. I have been taught by my best friend that these are necessary for survival. And they are fantastic; you can use them for so many things. Mine have my to-do list on them. Mine are awesomer than these, actually; they're lime green with lines and little decorations in the corner...

Nothing else in my bag is really that interesting. (Except the nunchucks for when I'm in ninja mode. But that's another story for another day...)