As you can tell, this isn't normally the book I look at on this site.
My economics teacher, who shall go unnamed for her own sake, is pretty fierce and virtually impossible to describe without confusing you. Those of you who read this and are lucky enough to know her - you know who she is. (I'm not sure if my favorite quote from her so far has been, "I'm not insinuating that Christ was gay..." or "Economics is all about food and sex." But I digress.)
This teacher apparently thinks I'm smart, or at least interesting, and therefore lent me this. I'm all for books and I'm all for learning new things. I'm not going to pretend I'm Muslim (I'm not) but I love differentiated opinions, so I opened the book and started reading. It's a fantastic book so far - I'll get more into it when I give you a review later.
Anyway, I love the cover. First off, Irshad Manji is a gorgeous woman.
Then, of course, there is the KISS rule. (Keep it simple, stupid.) This cover follows it rather nicely. One author, one perfectly placed strip of white, simple font, easy color scheme.
A rather plain, but nice, cover, if I do say so mehself.
Until next time 'round!
~ Nicole