Ten things I'm thankful for - in the book world:
1. Fellow YA Bloggers
Kristi, Chelsea, Sharon, and so many more - you make the blogging community so much fun. I'd list you all, but then we'd be here a while...
2. You
If you're reading this, it means you read my blog. Which makes me a) feel slightly like a cult leader and b) very happy. I love ya all!
3. Authors Who Run Blogs
Maggie Stiefvater. (Who will be here tomorrow!) Alexa Young. Kay Cassidy. Holly Black. And so many more. Thank ya!
4. Those Of You On Twitter - Authors, Bloggers, and Readers Alike
I love following you all and reading what you're doing. Thanks for letting me into your life. (It's much more interesting than my own.)
5. The Bloody Jack series
... I can be thankful for good books, too...
6. Those Who Aren't Afraid To Say What They Think
Any blogger or person who will state their opinion without fearing the repercussions. (Donna, this particularly pertains to you.)
7. Publishers
Without you, authors wouldn't write books. Because they wouldn't get paid. And let's face it, we all need to eat.
8. Hot Cocoa
What? It's perfect for reading a book.
9. Friends
Not just the friends I've made through blogging, all of my friends - those who blog, those who lend me books, those who I lend books, those who I got into reading, those who got me into reading.
10. Unicorns
Just saying.
Happy thanksgiving, everybody!
~ Nicole