Where did all these awards come from?
It's time to redistribute them!
The first award? The My Favorite Blog award!
The My Favorite Blog award is awarded to those blogs that are, er, your favorite. This was awarded to me by YA Book Queen.
Today, I'm only awarding this to the two blogs who I know I click on every time I see that their page has been updated.
1. Kristi at The Story
2. The Compulsive Reader
The Dragon Loyalty award!
This award is for those followers who are the most loyal and give bloggers joy by commenting regularly and with their support. Pass it on to 3-7 followers who are as loyal as dragons. I won this at YA Book Queen.
1. Erica (Because, let's face it, anybody who comments that obsessively on this blog deserves this award.)
2. SEO. (I have no idea who you are. But I love you.)
3. Addy*Sue (Hey. Your About Me is nearly identical to mine. Creepy.)
4. GMR (You also stalk me on Twitter. Love.)
The Honest Scrap award!
The Honest Scrap award is for those bloggers who write from the heart. Pass it along to seven, or six in my case, bloggers - bloggers who write from the heart - and then list 10 honest things about yourself. I won this at Black and Blue Ink.
1. Donna at Bites
2. Book Soulmates
3. Lauren at Sarcastic Spastic
4. Ticket to Anywhere
5. Sarah at Sarah's Random Musings
6. Bitten By Books
01. I rarely look at my blog feed and I'm far too lazy to check my blogs daily. I rely mainly on Twitter to know whose updated.
02. I work at the public library. It leaves me with compulsive urges to straighten up every pile of books I see.
03. My favorite threat is to slap somebody with a dead fish. Everybody knows this, and it's been used on nearly everybody I know at least once. Including my guidance counselor.
04. I adore Kristin Chenoweth.
05. I love making awkward... ...silences.
06. The more I blog, the harder I get on the books I read. I'm much pickier now than when I started.
07. Sorry, Harry. Sorry, Draco. Sirius Black = win.
07b. On that note, Helena Bonham Carter kicks ass as Bellatrix.
08. My obsession with Broadway infuriates everybody who knows me - unless they, too, are obsessed with Broadway.
09. I. Love. Corsets.
09b. And masks.
09c. But mostly corsets.
10. If I'm on the computer, I'm on Facebook.
PS: I also won the One Lovely Blog award again, but as I've awarded that out already I won't do it again.