I... am a book-o-holic.
This is not news to anybody who's ever met me. Or looked at me. Or heard of me. Or knows I exist.
Therefore, when it comes to bookshopping, I'm rather obsessive. I know where to get books.
I figured I'd go over some of my favorite shopping places with you guys. Who knows? Maybe you might find someplace new...
Barnes and Noble
I don't like shopping online, so I don't mean the Barnes & Noble website. I mean the literal Barnes & Noble - the big store you walk into. I wander around the fantasy, general fiction, YA fiction and children's fiction for a good three hours, looking at whatever I find interesting, before receding with my chosen books to the cafe - though, granted, their hot chocolate leaves something to be desired.
B&N is also my friend's default hang-out spot of choice.
TJ Maxx, Marshalls, etc.
Random discount stores ALWAYS have books. I don't know why. They just do.
The Marshalls up here has a tiny book section - the books are either in uber good condition or really beat up. TJ Maxx has a small section as well, but I don't go in there often enough to check. I know there are other discount stores that I go to that have books, but I can't remember right now...
It has MANY used things.
But sometimes you can find awesome used books there.
If you live in the Dutchess County area like I do, there's a family owned store called Bookworm. It's about the size of a small one story house and is - literally - stacked floor to ceiling with almost new and used books. You can bring your books for store credit and buy books from there. They have a HUGE collection, and I love finding amazing books among them.
Okay, they're an evil corporation. But they've sucked me in. After all, I need SOMEPLACE to go while my mom shops for groceries.
Tiny Random Indie Bookstores
'nuff said.
My Local Library
This is a big one for those of you who haven't thought of it - go to your library!
My library has a small (and by that, I mean it takes up the entire basement) for-sale section. I went through the other day and found a nearly brand new fantasy book for .25 because it was a paperback. I mean, yes - they'll have a blacked out bar code and the library's address on it, and sometimes the plastic stickers if you can't get them off. However, if you're looking for good cheap books, go buy! And it's also an excellent way to support your library.
I don't like buying online. But how else am I going to get free international shipping on books!? Besides, it lets me be a coverwhore. I need to get those new Shiver covers somehow...
Where do you shop?