Today, I have the honor of hosting Louise Rennison as part of the 28 Days of Winter Escapes! The last in her (excellent!) Georgia Nicholson series, Are These My Basoomas I See Before Me?, came out this past October.
And without further ado, Louise!
Georgia has had a tough time when it comes to luuurve... are her experiences based on your own?
LR: I know it would be more flattering to me to say, "How dare you! I am the height of sophiticositisnosity when it comes to matters of the luuurve and snogging." However, Georgia’s experiences are entirely based on my life. Sadly. So yes I did go and learn how to snog at a boy’s house. And there was a small queue of girls waiting to go after me. So he had a little clock to time our “session” and it was like kissing a bag of whelks. If you know what those are. And even if you don’t, please don’t kiss them under any circumstances.
How much do you really know about Viking weddings?
LR: How much do you need to know about Viking weddings??? I am from Yorkshire and this is where the Vikings came so I know A LOT about them. In fact, I am descended from Vikings. Some of my family have the huge big fat red legs that the Vikings were renowned for. Let’s face facts: The Vikings are known for their horns and drinking vats of mead. So God alone knows what the weddings would have been like.
Rufty tufty.
That is le fact.
Tell us about the funniest date you’ve ever had!
LR: I was with a boy and I had the feeling that he was about to hone in for the snog and I said something like: "Look I don’t know if this is, you know, it’s a bit soon and..."
And I was sort of looking away from him. And there was a bit of a silence and I thought, oh blimey, I've really upset him, and I was still looking away. Then he said: "Well, there's something I really need to tell you... I think I have fallen in love with you." And I was so shocked I looked around at him and when I looked at him he had put a clown’s nose on.
Who’s your celebrity crush and why?
LR: It’s sort of three people in one, none of whom you will know because they are not big stars yet! There was a series here called “Dangerous Romantics” about the Pre-Raphealite Brotherhood (you see, I told you... go look it up you lazy minxes)... and the three boy actors in it (Dante Gabriel who played Rossetti, William Holman Hunt and John Everett Millais) were soooooo bad! But I loved them.
LR: Otherwise I always like funny boys. I used to quite like Russell Crowe until his head became a beard.
What are winters like in Brighton? If you could fly south for the winter, what would be your warm weather destination?
LR: Please don’t ask me about winter in Brighton when I am snowed in. Also, it’s a bit of a mean question to ask me where I would go if I could fly south, as I don't fly. And the last time I did fly they had to abort the takeoff and I was taken off and put in a wheelchair and wheeled through Heathrow.
LR: It takes me most of my life to get to Hamburgeragogo land by sea but nevertheless I would love to go back to Georgia. Honestly, I am not just saying that because of Georgia (if you know what I mean and I think you do).
Do you believe the saying, “the couple that laughs together, stays together”?
LR: Yes, but then I also believe that “she who larfs last larfs the larfingest.” Which is possibly why I am not asked to be an Agony Aunt.
Would you rather a romantic Valentine’s Day card or a humorous one?
LR: I like a combo.
Do you believe in happily ever after?
LR: Yes. Sooner or later
What’s your favorite saying about love?
LR: I believe in three things. Love, love, and love.
Oh and that one from Billy Shakespeare’s Anthony and Cleopatra: "Age shall not wither her infinite...” whatever it is...!!! Variety, I think. Anyway, whatever it was it never withered. Partly because she got an asp to bite her basooma.
Candy, flowers, or a handwritten card? Which would you rather receive from your special someone?
LR: A handwritten card. Preferably not saying "You're dumped.”
Pip pip!
I love her, I really do. Don't forget to enter today's poll for a chance to win big! And keep an eye on the widget to see who else is hosting other awesome authors!