Postcard For Reader

Things I Have Been Asked Recently

Happy July! So a lot of people have been asking me questions recently, so I figured I'd take a few of them and stick them in a blog post, in case other people were curious.

Also, I currently don't have a Formspring and don't plan on getting one, so I figured I might as well answer them here. And I will answer ANY question given to me. (And I mean ANY.)

How long have you been blogging?
I started WORD in October of 2007, but I didn't really get into it until December of '08 - so, in actual love of blogging, about two years.

How much time do you spend on our blog?
It depends on what time of year it is and what I'm doing. I spent about ten hours a day on it the Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday after school ended - I was setting up blog posts for WAY in the future, for when I head off to college. (Waiting on Wednesday posts and Friday Fronts posts.) Normally I spend about an hour on it a day, just setting up posts and contacting authors, etc. I don't count the time I spend reading, or talking to other bloggers, or reading other blogs.

How do you keep up with all your reading!?
I don't.

How do you find time to read, especially since you're in high school and have a job?
I cram reading into EVERY available space. My last day of school was a few weeks ago, but I would bring a book to school and read when I ran out of work, while my teacher was talking - my bio teacher wrote in my yearbook that I was the only student who could read and take notes at the same time - and during my lunch period. I read at home while I'm waiting for something, in the bathroom, and whenever I have some free time that I don't want to work on WORD.

Where are you going to college, and what are you majoring in?
I'm headed off to SUNY New Paltz, and I'm majoring in journalism.

What's your favorite book?
THIS IS AN EVIL QUESTION AND ONE I ALWAYS REFUSE TO ANSWER. I do not have a favorite book. I have multiple favorites.

Those are the basics. And I LOVE questions, and will accept any and all that come my way.

And by "love questions" I mean "ask me something!"