Stopping by here on her blog tour is Emma Michaels, debut author of The Thirteenth Chime. Isn't that cover gorgeous?
Emma lives in Washington State with her Chihuahua Hope - who you'll read more about - and her husband, and spends her time reading, reviewing, and writing. And her debut novel sounds pretty awesome. I mean, look!
No one knew of its existence until it was removed from the attic upstairs.
In a beautiful house that overlooks the sea, an antique clock has the power to change the course of their lives. The power the clock resonates will not only force Destiny and ex-boyfriend David on a journey into the depths of one man's mind long dead, but into the mind of a man filled with hatred and bent on revenge.
With the only clues to the nature of the clock having disappeared into the sea, Destiny and David must retrace the steps the man had taken into the darkness, before they fall prey to the trap he had set in motion over half a century ago.
Hatred never dies.
Click Read More to read the interview. You'll learn about her chihuahua, evil cats, and the best quotes from The Thirteenth Chime.

N: Welcome, Emma! The Thirteenth Chime is your debut novel. What was the hardest part of writing it?E: The first chapter. I had this belief that the first chapter just had to be perfect in order for readers, agents and publishers to get hooked on the book. The rest of the story flowed easily, but that first chapter was one I kept going over and over again.
N: Did you ever imagine your cover would be so ohmyOz gorgeous?
E: No, I didn't! I had an idea of what I wanted and Bokheim Publishing was very supportive. Finding the artist we did was a stroke of luck and with a few revisions, we managed to come up with an amazing cover. I was so happy to have gotten to be included in so much of the process!
N: If you were an evil villain, and you had an evil cat - because all evil villains need evil cats - what would you name it?
E: I LOVE this question! Pounce - After the cat in In the Hand of the Goddess by Tamora Pierce. That, or Willow, from the character in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I think she would have made an amazing villain!
N: Gotta love Buffy! Who is your favorite character in The Thirteenth Chime, and what is their best quote?
E: Oh, this one is difficult... the problem with choosing a favorite quote is that readers might not understand the connotation. But, here is one some readers should get:
“This is definitely one for Rod Serling,” Stephanie replied. When Destiny merely stared at her, Stephanie rolled her eyes. “Oh come on, Des – The Twilight Zone? Wow, I feel old.”
N: What is your favorite board game to play - or game in general?
E: Monopoly, although I do love Chinese Checkers. Favorite game in general though is W.o.W.
N: Have you ever wondered what would happen if the world was taken over by evil people with evil clocks set on revenge?
E: Everyone would be on time for a change?
N: Or they would be late to only the most important things. Though that does already happen most of the time... You have a Chihuahua named Hope. Any interesting stories involving her?
E: There are just so many things to tell you about my little Chihuahua. She loves dancing to music, jumping up and making the desk chair spin when I am not on it, sitting on my fiance's shoulders or mine if I am writing and I know everyone says that dogs are color blind but she loves pink things. She was so small when I first got her that she could fit in the palm of my hand, they were not sure if she would make it so I would sit there ever few hours and feed her with a miniature bottle. I named her Winter Hope because she is a December baby and I just kept praying that she wold live and doing everything I could. Now she is bigger than they ever expected and in such great shape that I have even encountered a few envious breeders! But no, I could never give up my Hope, not when that is exactly what she brings to me. She is a constant reminder for me that anything is possible as well as a source of humor and amazing love.
N: The Thirteenth Chime comes out August 13. Why do YOU think we should read it?
E: Because it is a great book that is unlike anything else that is currently on the market. I really believe that readers will enjoy it and want to be able to give this part of myself to the world. Reading has made me so happy over the years and has changed my life in so many ways. I want to be able to do that for others, to be able to help them and have them take this journey with me. Together, we can accomplish anything.
Thank you so much for having me and I truly hope you all will love The Thirteenth Chime! Thank you for your support!!!!
The Thirteenth Chime comes out THIS FRIDAY. Friday the Thirteenth. Spoooooky. I know I'm excited to get my hands on it - so don't forget to go pick it up!