... I am moving into my college dorm.
Yes. I have successfully moved past my high school prom, graduation, and a long, fantastic, book filled summer.
And I am moving into COLLEGE.
I shall be living in a dorm full of freshman, as I elected to take the First Year Initiative program. I will be taking some sophomore courses, as I have already completed the requirements for the freshman courses. (If any of you are curious, I'm majoring in journalism.) I will be meeting people I have never met before.
I will be balancing a social life, a school life, a job life, and WORD.
... what? What was that?
Yes, you heard me. If I have to sacrifice a few hours of hanging out with friends to keep this site running, I will. I have worked way too hard on it (probably harder than I should have), and I love it far too much to let it rest. Blogging may slow down, of course - I have real school work now - but I'm still going to do my damn best to keep it up.
And it's not like my friends won't know the type of girl I am within the week. After all, Mockingjay comes out in five days, and if they expect me to talk to them before I finish it, they've got another thing coming.
So wish me luck, WORD readers. I am delving into a new world, with new responsibilities - and keeping this site running.
And, as always,