Postcard For Reader

Dragon's Milk

Dragon's Milk
Author: Susan Fletcher
Series: The Dragon Chronicles (#1)
Publisher: Aladdin
How Received: BookMooch

"You must go to the dragon. You must leave tonight."

Before she even hears the words, Kaeldra already knows what she must do. She must search out the mother dragon whose draclings have just hatched and somehow get some of her precious milk. It's the only way to save her foster-sister's life. Kaeldra would rather not go. It's much too terriffying, much too dangerous. But Kaeldra knows that she's the only one who can do it. For she is the only one who can actually communicate with dragons.

But little does Kaeldra know what she's getting into. She's about to begin a journey that will entwine her fate with that of three little draclings and one would-be dragonslayer. A journey the will become a struggle for life.
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I'm gonna be honest - if you put a dragon in a book, I will read it. I've been known to stop everything because I found a book involving a dragon. I'm a sucker for dragons.

Maybe it's because I have yet to come across a badly written dragon. Even Eragon, for all the angst that comes with the main character, has kick ass dragons. If they're not kick ass, they're adorable. Hell, even really bad dragon movies have great dragon characters.

Dragon's Milk was no exception.

I mean, sure, Kaeldra was kind of awesome (if a bit too trusting near the end of the story) and adventurous and her Grandmyr was mildly adorable and the dragonslayer that she has to deal with kept me just a bit on edge.

But I read dragon books for the dragons (well, and the plot), and this one delivered. These draclings were absolutely adorable. I love when dragons are fully sentient beings and I love when they're more like puppies than people and if you can blend the two together like Susan Fletcher did, I love that, too. The dragons remind me a bit of Toothless in "How To Train Your Dragon;" adorable and goofy and smart and protective. (Side note: I've only seen the movie. I have got to get onto reading those. Not like it'll take me too long.)

Final Comments: I'm a sucker for dragon books, so I can't give it a proper rating without seeming biased. I can say that it's a fast read with absolutely adorable draclings. High fantasy readers, pick this up!
Cover Comments: I love the old school fantasy covers, but this cover just got redone recently, and I love the new one (right), too.

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