If you follow me on Twitter, you'll notice I've been abuzz with giving away books. And I mean, like, GIVING AWAY BOOKS.
The list is here, as are the instructions on how to get them. You'll see that I'm not kidding - here are the pics as of 11:58 AM of my to-ship pile and my to-give pile.

The stuff I have up for grabs (sorry for the poor quality;
my finger got in the way of the lighting). To give you an idea
of how many books are in there, the box is four and a half feet long.

My pile of things to ship so far.
The problem with being me is that I'm constantly getting new books. Not just from review copies, but I'm always buying things or taking books friends don't want or just happening to come across a book that needs a new home. (Okay, I buy books a lot.) And after a while, my to-be-read pile adds up.
I was NEVER going to get around to reading all of these books, especially with the fact that I've been craving to reread some of my favorites lately. I felt like I couldn't, though, because of all the pressure from my to-be-read pile - and reading should never be pressured, I think. Especially if it's for a review book, because if I feel I HAVE to read it, then I suddenly don't want to, and I end up liking it less.
So I purged.
If it had a love triangle, it was gone. Paranormal romance, gone. Something I wasn't really going to read anytime soon, gone. Wasn't gonna reread it? Gone.
And yes. That's a LOT of books. (About 100-120 by the time I was gone from the 300 or 400 or so I owned.) And I'll admit; my shelves feel a little bit bare.
But I feel the same way I do after I clean out my dresser drawers of clothes that just don't fit or my desk of old papers; it's a bit of a relief. I didn't need them all, and other people can give these babies the loving I can't.
Besides, somebody's gotta share the book wealth.
Which is why I'm not asking for anything but some help with shipping costs if you want them - a lot of these I got for free, and I'd prefer to see them go to good homes rather than just giving them to the highest bidder. I want them to be read and loved and passed on, not just tossed into some bin at a garage sale for me to make a profit. (I mean, I need money, but not that badly.)
Bottom line: I was overwhelmed with books and thought other people deserved a chance to read what they wanted. I like sharing the book wealth. :)
So feel free to check it out and send me an email and whathaveyou. I'm keeping the list as updated as I can, and all the book should be going out over the next month or so. (I mean, there's already 60-ish in the to-ship pile. I can't do it all at once! Haha.)