Everybody's had a week to watch it and oogle it and pick it apart bit by bit. We've flailed and watched it dozens of times.
Here are my comments. Let's see if you agree.
It had just the right amount of all of the characters.
This story isn't about Peeta or Gale or Prim or Haymitch or Effie or Rue or President Snow or Cinna. It's about Katniss. And we got a good taste of what all of those characters are like - but we saw our main character, we saw our Mockingjay. That's what the trailer should have been about.
I like the linear trailer.
Normally, I like kind of flashes of everything going on in the story. But in this case, they gave us a summary of probably what is the first half hour of the movie - which, let's face it, anybody who hasn't read the books needs in order to figure out what the hell is going on.
I'm digging Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss.
This section comes to you in several parts.
One, her appearance. Let's take a look at her when she's leaping to volunteer to save Prim.
Gif set courtesy of melchiors.
Jennifer oozes frantic desperation for her sister. I love it. But that's not what I'm noticing.
Look at her collarbone, neck and shoulders in the second gif. She's skinny. They made her as skinny as she's supposed to be - doesn't matter if it's with clothes and makeup and Jennifer being generally awesome. The worry that Katniss was going to be this gorgeous curvy girl? It didn't happen, guys. She's this average looking (okay, pretty) twig thing. I LOVE IT.
And she's able to show emotion so subtly, just like Katniss. It's perfect.
Gifs courtesy of foxyfoxy.
Effie Trinket looks awesome.
Well, yeah. Effie looks almost as she's supposed to (I always pictured her with pink hair, but that would be hard, visually, with all the other pink she has on her). She's now also my worst nightmare. For some reason she scares the living crap out of me, which I suppose is a good thing in a weird kind of way.
Gif courtesy of heyiamwhatiam.
I don't care what you say, I like Lenny Kravitz as Cinna.
In that one scene I have a nagging suspicion that he's about to blow everybody out of the water with some amazing ability to be Cinna. I don't know why. But I sense it.
I like that they don't focus on Rue.
I like that you only get a little tidbit of Rue. Barely a moment. It's going to make it so much more epic when people who haven't read the books see that develop on screen; I hope they keep that consistant with future trailers.
Gif courtesy of blaineandersons.
What do you guys think? Any other comments on the trailer?