Last week - November 29, to be specific - I had the chance to swing into NYC and go to the Soho Teen launch at the Sidewalk Cafe! I snagged a bus after my morning class and headed into the city.
I had a day full of awesome fun. After wandering around Broadway for a little while, I met up with Julie at Port Authority and we headed over to one of the many Christmas markets. I snagged a present for a friend and some tea and we headed down to the Sidewalk Cafe to meet Mitali and have a generally good time!
And let me tell you - it was awesome.

Libba Bray and Tiger Beat!Libba Bray fronted the all YA-author band Tiger Beat, who sang a whole bunch of songs including "I Want Candy" and the YA song. (Holden Caufield is not an asshole!)

LOOK AT THE LOVE.I got to meet Janice, one of the amazing YAckers, who gave me a belated birthday present for being awesome and helping arrange the YAckers Secret Santa and WHY IS EVERYBODY I KNOW SO NICE!? (The card is from Mitali!)
I also ran into Rachael and made a fool of myself by fangirling over Barry Goldblatt. (He claims I didn't. I think he lies, because he's a sweetheart and I'm insane.)

Blurry photo of Mitali, myself, Julie and Kieran.I also got to meet the gorgeous Kieran Scott; she's super-sweet!
Other people I met who you people would like include Melissa Miller, the associate editor at HarperCollins, and Brooks Sherman, a literary agent at FinePrint Literary Management, as well as several people involved with Figment.
I know I met a lot of other cool people, but I can't remember all of them!
Anyway, check out the shiny new Soho Teen; it looks like it's going to be awesome.