Are you one of those people that pushes of holiday buying until the last minute? Great news: I'm here to help! My friends call me that friend who always knows exactly what to get them. I figured I could put forth my abilities to help you today.
Every gift package should come to less than $25. Remember to try and order all books through your local indie!

Think Geek offers a fairly large selection of Game of Thrones merchandise, but in case you aren't aware of what house they're supporting Targaryen, I recommend going with the coasters and pairing it with Medalon by Jennifer Fallon. Medalon is a high fantasy with weird gods and strange characters along the lines of Martin's books, and coasters... well, they can drink to the future ruler of Westeros.

One of my friends recently introduced me to Grinning Bobcat Designs, which carries a giant collection of awesomely creative Disney t-shirts. Pair it with any of the books that carry the Grimm fairy tale retellings. It might give them a rude awakening as to the real stories... but hey, they'll definitely be interested.

Wicked Clothes has a whole bunch of amazing Harry Potter clothes and stuff -- the shirt in the photo is a little pricey, but they have the Harry Potter ties and such that are absolutely gorgeous. Pair it with recipes for real butterbeer in The Unofficial Harry Potter Cookbook!

Good Fucking Design Advice has a lot of fun things for that friend who works hard and can take a joke. Pair it with something super easy to read, like The Fault In Our Stars. (Unless they hate crying at books, of course.)

For the aspiring writer, The Literary Gift Company is the place to go. You can snag them practically anything from the site to make them happy. Pair it with something like Hooked by Les Edgerton or a nice edition of their favorite classic novel.

We all know a Who fan. Think Geek has a great Doctor Who towel; pair it with The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and they'll love you forever (and then some).
There's a whole bunch of books for individual people that I can't think to pair with things - Bloody Jack for the pirate loves, Thief's Covenant for the high fantasy, Ready Player One for the gamers... but those are easy enough to track down, am I right?
Or, of course, you can just force them to read your favorite YA novels.
What are some of your suggestions for last-minute presents?