Postcard For Reader

Waiting on Wednesday: Maid of Secrets

Because we all have something we're waiting for.

Maid of Secrets
Author: Jennifer McGowan
Series: ---
Release Date: 7 May 2013

Seventeen-year-old Meg Fellowes is a wry, resourceful thief forced to join an elite group of female spies in Queen Elizabeth’s Court. There she must solve a murder, save the Crown, and resist the one thing that will become her greatest freedom–and her deadliest peril.

For Meg and her fellow spies are not alone in their pursuit of the murderer who stalks Windsor Castle.

A young, mysterious Spanish courtier, Count Rafe de Martine, appears at every turn in the dark and scandal-filled corridors of the Queen’s summer palace. And though secrets and danger are Meg’s stock-in-trade, she’s never bargained on falling in love…

The title may be one of my favorites, mostly because I love puns. Besides, it's catchy and summarizes the book really well.

My love of court politics won the rest of me wanting the book; I love spies and thieves and forbidden love. Let's hope it's not insta-love or a spontaneous love triangle, shall we?

  1. > Goodwill Collection Booth, 1960s
  2. > Itasca State Park
  3. > Fairmont Hotel & Tower
  4. > Children's Zoo
  5. > United States Immigration Station