Postcard For Reader

Blogging In Real Life (6) (Or, blogger layout tricks.)

A few weeks ago, I mentioned how blogging can help teach you how to code, and I linked to a few places that can teach you how to code.

But perhaps you're not interested in coding anything. You're only interested in coding for blogs.

Knowing how to work Blogger and Wordpress is a helpful skill; many sites host websites on Wordpress or blogs on Blogger, and the coding is similar enough that, once you've mastered it, you can carry it over to other sites. You can help run a blog for your library, for a local bookstore, for your school, for your fansite - or, really, for anything you can think of.

So for those who know it, you know how to do that! But for those who want to teach themselves by practicing on your blogs, here are some posts from fellow bloggers that teach you how to do lots of cool layout things.

Oh, Chrys! teaches how to do an image rollover effect.

Icey Books is teaching how to make a blog button with grab code and how to create custom blockquotes, like the quotation marks I use.

Radiant Shadows has a whole bunch of blogging tips, including a post on html basics.

Pure Imagination has too many posts to list them all, but some of the most helpful include a customized link bar, adding social media icons and things that slow your blog down from loading.

The Book Monsters also has a great list of tricks, including how to create hyperlinked footnotes, how to create a progress bar and how to create a drop-down navigation bar.

[EDIT] Small Review has a really long list of tips and tricks.

If you have posts that you've seen that should be added to this list, link me to them in the comments or on Twitter!


Don't forget, if you have a question for Blogging In Real Life, there's still time to submit!