You may have noticed that I haven't been posting here - that is, in part, due to the fact that WORD ends on August 1. (Yes, there will be a sad goodbye post, but now is now the time for that.) Now is the time for celebration!
Because on August 18, the first edition of YA Interrobang will launch for the world to see!
YA Interrobang is a new online magazine celebrating YA literature. Our goal is to connect readers to the literature and authors they love - as well as keep them updated on the news and issues that affect it!
You can find out more about it by visiting our website and clicking around to visit all of the various social media sites. Tumblr has the bios on all of our writers, and you can ask us questions there or on Twitter, and even like our super shiny Facebook page!
What would YOU like to see YA Interrobang cover?