Raise your hand if you know who Maya the Bee is! This buzzing cartoon starlet is pictured on this retro postcard.
The animated series has been translated into different 41 languages. But she is especially beloved in Germany where she is known as Biene Maja. The cartoon first appeared on German television in 1976. It has remained a broadcasted fixture to this day! Every German child can sing you the lyrics. Maya is an inquisitive, adventurous and flighty young honeybee who stumbles upon new adventures and forest friends in each episode.
An English dubbed version of the series was shown on Nickelodeon for two short years. The show was canceled fairly quickly. This buzzing beauty just never caught on! Here's your chance to become enamoured through vintage postcards and youtube.. Bee Click Happy! These links are the theme songs of this show. The tune in English is very different from the German and French.
Maya the Bee in English
Biene Maja auf Deutch
Maya l'Abeille en francais
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