marie antoinette vintage postcard

In 1748 the French Parliment had actually forbidden the cultivation of potatoes. They were feared to cause leprosy! Sit back and enjoy listening to how Marie Antoinette, Louis XVI, Benjamin Franklin, and Antoine Parmentier changed the tasty tuber's bad rap! Happy Postcard Friendship Friday:)

PS. Is my voice loud enough in these videos? I was thinking about getting a microphone. What do you think? I definatly need to work on my editing skills too!

W elcome to this weeks Postcard Friendship Friday! If you're visiting and would like to join in the fun we would be thrilled;) It's easy! All you need to do is:
1. Have a blast with this mail theme! Examples include: any type of postcard, a photo of a mailbox, mailman, a stamp image, postcard altered art, or simply a photo of something that you find 'Postcard Perfect' etc etc etc!
2. Link in with Mr.Linky at the bottom of this post
3. Visit as many of the other participants as possible and leave comments! That’s what a blog party is all about!
4. Link back to the party from your post so that your readers can come and see what everyone else is talking about today! Please grab the badge if you'd like to add a bit of PFF colour to your post:)