Fossils from 3 brand new crocodile species were recently found in the ancient Sahara wetlands! The Rat Croc (silly name, eh?) was a rather smallish reptile. This 3 footer ate roots and grubs that he dug up with his bucktoothed lower jaw. These crocodiles walked on two legs rather than flat on the ground like their modern snappy cousins! use google to read about the pancake, duck, and boar crocs! The full article is amazing.
Editor: This postcard features a large and in charge ALLIGATOR.
Marie: Picky! Picky!

W elcome to this weeks Postcard Friendship Friday! If you're visiting and would like to join in the fun we would be thrilled;) It's easy! All you need to do is:
1. Have a blast with this mail theme! Examples include: any type of postcard, a photo of a mailbox, mailman, a stamp image, postcard altered art, or simply a photo of something that you find 'Postcard Perfect' etc etc etc!
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