Postcard For Reader

Poodle Skirts, Playboy, and Etiquette

I accidentally posted this on Wednesday. Okay, you're probably asking why today's post has SUCH a weird title.

Let me explain.

In the 50's, the "idea" of poodle skirts was in. Playboy had first come out and Hugh Hefner had been sued for not having a license to send it out. Women were required to take etiquette classes and be the perfect wife.

Why am I telling you all this, you ask?

Well, it's rather simple.

Does anybody remember that Gatsby project I was ranting about a few months ago? This is another type of those things, 'cept it's the Generation project. My group chose the 50's, so we have to immerse the class (-cough-nonfataldunking-cough-) in whatever decade we so choose to do.

For the next five weeks, I will be reading literature from the 50's, reading books about the 50's, watching films from the 50's, listening to music - both Broadway and not - from the 50's, and I might even buy a poodle skirt and wear it around, just for the general affect of immersing myself.

So if you see a lot of 50's stuff crop up in the next five weeks, don't be alarmed. I'm just reviewing what I see - and who knows, it might be interesting!

Wish me luck. ^^
