Postcard For Reader

Top Ten Favorite (YA) Covers

When in doubt, talk about how much I'm a coverwhore! It's time for another Top Ten Tuesday. I'm sticking to YA covers, because if I didn't this post would be full of adult fantasy covers as well. I'm a sucker for those things.

And yes, I know this is a week late. Shhhhhh.

10. The Scorpio Races

I love the simplicity of this cover. It's beautiful.

09. Above

I love the cover for Above. The cover itself looks like a still from a beautiful movie, and I love how it ties into the book without being a complete scene from it. (Or maybe it is! I don't know; I haven't read Above yet.)

08. Matched

I don't like Matched as a book - something about love triangles and weak main characters, I think; I don't remember what - but this cover's simplicity makes me flail with love. The symbolism is great, too!

07. The Hunger Games series

The simplicity and the symbolism in these covers makes me flail viciously in writhing fits of love. The contrast in the colors is stunning. It makes me want all of these as posters. (One day, one day!)

06. The Firelight series

I absolutely adore these covers. The makeup is gorgeous, and I love how each of them represent a character important to the story. (I hear that the next one will be Az. I'm excited!)

05. Beauty Queens

This cover doesn't seem awesome until you realize that the bullets aren't bullets. They're lipstick. And it's awesome.

04. Wither

I love this cover. The photography itself is stunning, but the way each individual item - all relevant to the plot! - is highlighted and pulled together is amazing.

03. Nightshade

There's no words for how stunning I think this cover is. The color choice, the model, the flowers, the font - it's amazing. I don't understand why they redid the covers to that weird merging thing that looks like somebody took five minutes in Photoshop to do when they had this piece of artwork!

02. The Harry Potter series

This is another instance of beautiful artwork for book covers. I'm ridiculously happy that Scholastic never did movie covers for the books; they're all so beautiful and perfect as is. They capture the essence of each book, and I love that.

01. The Theatre Illuminata series

I adore these covers. Each of them depict a scene from the novels and they're so beautifully and artistically done. I can't help but adore them. Look at them! They're gorgeous!