Postcard For Reader


13 Reasons I Would Never Wanna Be Isabella Swann-Cullen

1. She's annoying.
2. She's clingy.
3. She freaks at the sight of blood.
4. She faints. A lot.
5. She's a klutz. I already HAVE that problem.
6. She needs a guy to survive.
7. She strings guys along.
8. She never knows when to quit.
9. She's stupid enough to walk into a vampire trap.
10. Her mind power? Kind of sucks.
11. She's silly enough to have a vampire baby that's killing her slowly.
12. She's distracted by shiny things. ADD?
Please note: So am I. I, however, am distracted by glitter. Not vampires in the sun who also happen to be trying to resist the urge nom on my neck.
13. Guys staring at you while you sleep is only romantic if you actually know them and they aren't trying to kill you. Nice try, Bella.