Well, it's sort of about a cover. It's more about covers.
Everybody saw my rant about my tendency to cover whore. If you didn't, click here to read it. I have to say, I do like ranting. So much that I'm going to do it again.
Not about bad covers, or good covers, or even halfway decent covers.
No, about the Twilight-ization of covers. Of everything, actually.
I'll be the first to admit, I love the Twilight covers. They're simple, pretty, sophisticated, full of symbolism, and just overall well crafted. The book itself - eh, it's brain candy. We all need brain candy every once in a while.
Then the Volvo commercial appeared.
Okay, yeah, Edward drives a Volvo in the book. It's a good marketing technique. Bravo, Volvo dealers. A million boys now drive Volvo for hopes of making girls want to have premarital sex with them.
And then... there was the Burger King commercial. It's not yet on YouTube, or I'd show that to you, too.
Um. Burger King connects to Twilight... how, exactly? I'm not quite sure. Perhaps there's symbolism deep, deep down somewhere in the cheese of it all.
Oh, look! Pride and Prejudice and Wuthering Heights have new covers! It even says that Wuthering Heights is Edward and Bella's favorite book. How adorable!
Don't take the classics and make them into a shameless promotion for brain candy. Yes, they're popular now. But look at Harry Potter. It was the book that turned Muggle into a word in the dictionary. You didn't see this insanity everywhere, and it was about six times more popular and ten times better than Twilight is or ever will be.
Why are so many people caving into the Twilight-ization?
Perhaps it's because the economies bad and they think it will help them sell things. After all, theaters for New Moon sold out.
Either way, I hate it. Don't cling to a trend, and a bad one at that, because you need the money. Because the economies bad. Because you want to sell something. Because you want to become famous.
It's ridiculous.
And that's how Nicole sees it.