Omigod! I made it to three hundred followers!
I suppose I must fill January up with oodles and oodles of awesome contests!
On another note.
I realized I never fully announced that yes - WORD for Teens DOES have a Facebook page! Not only does joining the fan page give you a chance at extra entries in giveaways, but participating in the discussion boards gives you major brownie points.
We've currently got three discussions going on - Author Recommendations (which comes with it's own photo folder); Book Recommendations (which comes with it's own photo folder); and Twilight? - obviously, a place to debate about Twilight.
I've also got another photo folder - Nicole's Must Read Books - that has, as is rather self explanatory, all of my favorite books. There's also a whole page of important links, like interviews and contests and what have you.
I mean, who wouldn't want to check it out?