May your Christmas be filled with joy, happiness, and a lack of zombie attacks.
On this glorious day, we have a very special visitor to cap off this month's list of authors. R.J. Anderson, author of the Faery Rebels series, has generously agreed to stop by today to chat about books, woodchucks, and the upcoming year.
You can order R.J.'s books online by going to Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Borders.
N: The world is relying on your ability to choose a favorite author or book. With the fate of the world on your shoulders - what do you select?
I'm going to assume you mean a favorite author or book for teens specifically, in which case I'll have to say Megan Whalen Turner -- her Thief of Eddis books are brilliant.
N: How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck was a faery?
Depends on whether the woodchuck-faery can chuck the wood without getting eaten by a crow first...
N: What's been your favorite scene in all of the books you've written?
My favorite scene so far is in REBEL a.k.a. WAYFARER, but I can't talk about that yet without spoiling the book! So I'll have to say the part in KNIFE a.k.a. SPELL HUNTER where Knife peeks through Paul's window and sees him lifting weights, and realizes hey, I'm attracted to this guy, what's up with that?
N: Who would you cast to play you in a movie about yourself? Your love interest?
Me! I love acting. I doubt I could convince my husband to play along, however...
N: What's the best part about having a blog? The worst?
Best: Hearing from new people and having fascinating conversations with them in the comments. Worst: Trying to think of interesting topics to write about!
N: If you could have one faery quality, what would it be?
Faeries are much stronger than humans for their size. I'd think that would be pretty handy! Although being able to fly would be fantastic too...
N: I vote for flying. Why did you choose to write under "R.J." rather than Rebecca?
I grew up reading C.S. Lewis, E. Nesbit, J.R.R. Tolkien and G.K. Chesterton, so using my initials just seemed like the writerly thing to do.
N: I'd have to agree. Who wouldn't want to be J.K. Rowling? What are you looking forward to this New Year?
Starting to write my third faery book, ARROW, which is scheduled for UK release in January 2011. I can't wait to find out what my characters have been up to -- and how they're going to get out of the trouble I've put them in!
Thanks for stopping by, R.J.!
May everybody find what they want under their tree today - and for those of you who don't celebrate it, may you have a fantasmagorical day otherwise.
~ Nicole