Postcard For Reader

Interview: Selene Castrovilla

Hello, lovely WORD readers! Did you enjoy Louder than Words week?

Well, it's time to move on. Today, we have the lovely Selene Castrovilla stopping by for an interview. She's written half a dozen novels, including the modern Saved By The Music and the historical By The Sword. You can learn more about her books by heading over to her website and clicking the section labeled, well, books.

But I HIGHLY suggest learning more about her first. How? By reading this SUPER SPIFFY interview, which involves pirates, Gerard Butler, Ouiji boards, and Billy Joel.

N: Welcome to WORD! You've written both historical novels and modern day, grittier novels. Which do you prefer writing?
SC: I love writing both, for different reasons. Writing the historical books allows me to play detective, putting together the pieces of a story in such a fashion that the reader will both “get it” and care about the people in the process. It’s such a rush when it all comes together! Writing modern day novels is way more personal and emotional – the effort has forced me to delve into dark recesses of my heart which I didn’t even know existed! In both cases, the ultimate result is a feeling of freedom and elation. Passion for my stories is what drives me, and that goes for each type. And though it may seem to the reader that the books are very different, for me the focus was and is always the same: humanity. I write about the human condition, be it now or 200+ years ago. What’s inside us hasn’t changed.

N: Do you have a favorite book out of all the books you've written?
SC: That’s like asking me to pick my favorite child, lol! I love everything I’ve written, but Saved By The Music is more personal, as it’s based on my life experiences, and I pretty much am Willow (I’m Axel, too, which gets a bit complicated.) They are all personal in some way, though.

N: In your author bio on your website, you quote many people. Do you have a favorite quote of all time?
SC: My mantra is Gandhi’s “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” To me, that change is love. We need to love one another, not hurt each other. This is my message in all my books.

I also love anything Shakespeare had to say – his writing was a big inspiration for me while growing up. Macbeth changed everything.

N: What books are you working on hope to bring forth into the world, both YA and others?
SC: My YA novels Evolution and Melt are both very intense, and I can’t wait to share them with the world! I’ve also finished two more historical manuscripts, about Benedict Arnold and Lafayette.

N: And we all know how much I love historical fiction! If you could cast yourself in a movie, what movie would it be, and who would be the leading man?
SC: Oh wow, what a cool question! I love the movie Dead Again – it’s romantic and suspenseful! I’m really into Gerard Butler, so I’d pick him, I think. Or Johnny Depp, maybe…hmmm…

N: Johnny Depp, yum. What is your favorite board game? (Apples to Apples for the win! Or is that a card game?)
SC: I must admit, I really hate board games. I get so restless, and think about the writing or reading I could be doing! I think this might come from being traumatized as a child, playing Monopoly in Italy with a cousin who barely spoke English. It took us literally days to play, and I don’t think we ever did finish. If I had to pick one, it would probably be Clue, because I love to solve mysteries, or else Trivial Pursuit, because Shakespeare quotes come up a lot, and I get to sound really smart when I identify them!

I would like to use a Ouija board, if you consider that a game. Love that kind of stuff!

N: If you could choose a soundtrack to your life, what would you wake up to in the morning?
SC: I love the Counting Crows greatest hits, and have often played certain songs over and over while reflecting. “She Don’t Want Nobody Near,” “Big Yellow Taxi,” “Accidentally in Love” and “Hard Candy” are my favorites. I also love Fallout Boy and Eminem’s “Lose Yourself.” We’d have to include the song “One More Try” by George Michael. And my soundtrack wouldn’t be complete without my man Billy Joel. What a guy. My very, very favorite song is “All About Soul.”

N: Now, the most important question: pirates or ninjas?
SC: I have to go with pirates because ninjas are way too silent and serious. Do they even speak? There’s really no room for creativity with ninjas. Pirates can have their own style, and I like those puffy shirts and cool accessories!

Thanks for stopping by, Selene! Don't forget to check out her website. You can pick up her books at your local bookstore or order them online.

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