Y'all are crazy.
The Versatile Blogger award is making it's away around the interwebz again. Don't remember what it is?

Thank and link back to the person who gave you this award. Share 7 things about yourself. Pass the award along to 15 bloggers who you have recently discovered and who you think are fantastic. Contact the bloggers you’ve picked and let them know about the award.
And guess what? These INSANE people have awarded it to me over the past month.
- Courtney at Courtney Reads
- Katie at Books Are Dreams
- Nymfaux
- M.A. Chase at The Guide To Good Books
- Darla from DforDarla's Definite Reads
- Joanna at Nor Cal Book Blog
Um. Yeah. WHOA.
Needless to say, I feel really honored. And I can't pass it on! I haven't been reading new blogs lately, what with college and social life and writing and blogging and reading and schoolwork and job and everything.
But I CAN fulfill half of it, so here are seven bits of information about myself.

1. I obsessively organize things ahead of time. I started outlining my first essay for Women in Literature before I had even attended the first class; I've been a month ahead in setting up posts for two months now; I have my Waiting on Wednesday posts and Friday Fronts and Friday Feature: Bookcases post set up all the way until the end of December.
2. I ADORE Richard Armitage (right). He's my computer background, my cell phone background, and my goal is to watch everything he's ever been in. I love him more than Johnny Depp.
3. I am in love with the idea of love but have a sinking sensation that I will never actually fall in love.
4. I have taken three "photoshoots" in the past year: one for graduation photos, one for a family portait, and one at my local newspaper for WORD.
5. In my family portrait one, my sister and I took pictures with a rubber ducky, I sat on my brothers feet, and we made the camera woman laugh so hard that she couldn't take one of our photos for a few minutes. I ended up laughing so hard I was crying at one point.
6. I'm VERY close to my family.
7. My high school librarian reads my blog. If she's reading this - HI! I LOVE YOU, YOU ROCK. Don't miss me too much this year.
I also received the One Lovely Blog Award over at Young Adult Literature Lover.

Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his or her blog link. Pay it forward to fifteen other blogs you have newly discovered. Contact those blog owners and let them know they've been chosen.
Again, I'm not passing it on - I haven't done much blog surfing lately! - but thank you!
Wow. Thanks, guys! Love you all.
What do you guys think about my seven random facts?