Postcard For Reader

Waiting on Wednesday: Splintered

Because we all have something we're waiting for.

Author: A.G. Howard
Series: ---
Release Date: January 2013

For sixteen years, Alyssa Gardner has lived with the stigma of being descended from Alice Liddell -- the real life inspiration for Lewis Carroll's famed novel, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. But cruel jokes about dormice and tea parties can’t compare to the fact that Alyssa hears the whispers of bugs and flowers ... the same quirk which sent her mother to a mental institution years before.

When her mother takes a turn for the worse and the whispers grow too strong for Alyssa to bear, she seeks the origins of their family curse. A set of heirlooms and a moth tied to an unusual website lead Alyssa and her gorgeous best friend / secret crush, Jeb, down the rabbit hole into the real Wonderland, a place more twisted and eerie than Lewis Carroll ever let on.

There, creepy counterparts of the original fairytale crew reveal the purpose for Alyssa’s journey, and unless she fixes the things her great-great-great grandmother Alice put wrong, Wonderland will have her head.

Can we talk about how friggin' awesome this sounds!? I love interpretations on Wonderland -- hence my attachment to bad musicals and twisted video games -- and I just can't wait to see how this is interpreted. Though I could live without the crush part, I'm really curious to see exactly what happens to Alyssa - and what exactly Alice put wrong...